restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Personality Frameworks & “Reading People”

I have always been intrigued by studying personality types and how they frame our lives. Over the years I have read shelves of books about personality types. It is also one of my favorite topics for late-night YouTube binging.  My favorite channels explore the humor in the Enneagram, MBTI, and Introvert/Extrovert tendencies. (I will list…

Creating Vacation Harmony: Enjoying Moments Together

RV travel and family vacations are very tricky to navigate.  There is a very wide mix of expectations and decisions to be made. The ways that we see the definitions of words like “fun”, “rest”, “activity”, and “food” can totally change what the trip looks like.  What may be working at home totally flips on…

How to Avoid the Crash

What is the best way to slow down when things are busy? How can I take the time to process what is happening that is hard or unusual? Let’s pick this apart and look at the pieces we are dealing with. The Crash – What is it? What does it look like? Rebuilding Step #1:…

1st Day of School – My #1 Tip

We are headed into Back to School season here in Arizona. The heat is kicking our butts and we are all anxious for the fall weather to bring us rain and some relief. But, unfortunately, we have a few more months of desert heat to get through. So public schools go back early (usually end…

Navigating Friendship – 4 Ideas for Where to Start

We all long to be deeply understood and known. That is truly the heart cry of humans. It’s why kids spill out long stories and complicated details when they feel comfortable. It is why movies with deep friendships move us and cause us to feel something. Wouldn’t it be great to jump into a TV…