restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

My Counters Affect My Productivity

My Counters Affect My Productivity

How changing my habits with the dirty dishes and my cluttered kitchen counters rippled into my creativity. My Story – My dad was a professional chef and when I was little I was taught all about kitchen efficiency.  I learned about cooking tools, ways to prep your station, how to chop fruits and vegetables, and how to batch together tasks…

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

Managing myself is hard. I have to constantly assess what is most important and then spend time on those things. I must be diligent about how I invest my energy or it will be wasted on the unnecessarily urgent, the things that matter to other people, and the tasks that are fun. I have been…

Why Decluttering Clears My Mind

Why Decluttering Clears My Mind

My favorite way to feel in control of my environment is to declutter something when I am overwhelmed.  When I feel emotionally drained, scattered, frustrated, and/or defeated I tackle small spaces that need to be organized. So much of my life is investing into invisible things. I make an amazing, healthy, homemade meal and it…

Why Hobbies Matter

Why Hobbies Matter

My Story –   I have found that hobbies have become an important part of being “just April”. Myself. Just me. Not all the roles I play and things I do. But just me, creating something for the sake of creation. I used to tell myself that I will have hobbies when my kids are grown,…

Household Chores & Cleaning the Home

Household Chores & Cleaning the Home

Let’s talk about Household Chores and Cleaning! My Story Why We Clean Kid Responsibilities/ Chores Questions for You My Favorite Resources My Story: Yes, I am actually excited about this topic. I really love a clean house. Open spaces with clean horizontal surfaces and clean floors… yes!! I like things to be clean so that…

Morning Routines for My Kids

Morning Routines for My Kids

Let’s set up the day for success! Whatever your day holds, let’s reclaim the mornings. We can start the day with time to ourselves, a house that is reset for the day, and with a peaceful atmosphere. I am not a morning person. But it is particularly important to me that we begin each day…

Monday Meetings

Monday Meetings

It’s a Monday morning.  We are all moving slow.  The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…