Practical ideas to find joy in your busy life.

Words Have Power

Words Have Power

Here is an article written by my cousin and fiction writer Reed Mingault. On her recent weekend visit, we had many deep conversations about writing. This one bubbled up one morning with a rush of inspiration and note taking. I am thrilled to share this here with you all.  💙- April Words have power. Phrases…

Writing: From Drafting to Publication (w/Reed Mingault)

Writing: From Drafting to Publication (w/Reed Mingault)

Sitting on the back porch at a family party this summer my cousin Reed and I got into a conversation about writing. As she shared ideas and tips I got out my phone and furiously took notes. This article is full of great information from her. I appreciate that her approach is different than mine.…

Resources for Fiction Writers (w/Reed Mingault)

Resources for Fiction Writers (w/Reed Mingault)

Reed is a fiction writer primarily of secondary world Fantasy. “I write about whatever shiny has currently grabbed my attention, usually with magic, talking animals, and/or mythological creatures, wrapped up with hope.” she says. She started writing about the characters in her tabletop role-playing games when they wouldn’t stop pestering her, and eventually gave them…

Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

I am fortunate to have people in my life who inspire me. Reed Mingault is one of those. She is my cousin and writing buddy. We are both relatively new taking our writing seriously. This sparks great conversation whenever we get together. It is exciting to share the writing process with someone who thinks differently.…

5 Reasons Why Writing Can Feel So Lonely

5 Reasons Why Writing Can Feel So Lonely

Let’s jump straight into why writing feels so isolating. I am a beginner and I am learning this process. I hope to help you feel seen and less alone by being vulnerable about the challenges I face and the frustrations I have experienced. I also share 6 solutions that are working for me. #1.  Writing…

My #1 Writing Rule & Finding Inspiration

My #1 Writing Rule & Finding Inspiration

My Simple Writing Tips Writing has become a source of deep joy for me this year. I am able to share ideas, what I am learning, and tell my story. Most days it pours out of my fingers into a Word document. Or I am out on a walk and I end up talk-texting paragraphs…

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

I have found so much comfort in my Writing Routine. Through the process of slowing down, and getting settled in my space, I can transition smoothly. I can turn my attention to the tasks of my writing session. I can leave my “Mom Brain” and get into “Writing Mode”. Habits are super important when adding…

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

We can easily be stuck in the fog of having a message to share and not knowing how. This is the process that I went through. Your path may look very different than mine. I am still finding my way, learning, and on a journey of discovery. I am guessing that there will always be…