restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Tips for Clarity when Juggling Multiple Roles

Tips for Clarity when Juggling Multiple Roles

This life is a complicated balancing act. We each have different roles we play, things we manage, and jobs we do. The more responsibilities you have the more complicated your life gets. So how do we move forward and not get stuck? How do we keep going? There are unfinished lists, unhappy people, and a…

Welcoming this New Year

Welcoming this New Year

I love the beginnings of the New Year. I enjoy the fresh calendars, the new planners, the clean crisp notebooks, and the restructuring of my routines. I enjoy having some time for reflection and goal setting. In my time spent planning my next year, I have been thinking about 4 major topics. Ways to find…

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

I have found so much comfort in my Writing Routine. Through the process of slowing down, and getting settled in my space, I can transition smoothly. I can turn my attention to the tasks of my writing session. I can leave my “Mom Brain” and get into “Writing Mode”. Habits are super important when adding…

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

We can easily be stuck in the fog of having a message to share and not knowing how. This is the process that I went through. Your path may look very different than mine. I am still finding my way, learning, and on a journey of discovery. I am guessing that there will always be…