restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Practical Meal Planning #2 (the How)

Practical Meal Planning #2 (the How)

I am often frustrated by the meal planning systems created by others. They often assume that everything is “just peachy”. Most meal planning that I have found is based on having lots of time, strange fresh ingredients, or chef-style cooking skills. I usually don’t have that kind of evening cooking environment. I am a mom…

Tackling Meal Planning #1 (the Why)

Tackling Meal Planning #1 (the Why)

This week I will make 15 meals for my family. Lunches, dinners, and a few fancy breakfasts. I will hand wash dishes at least 10 times and spend several hours in prep.  In a month, I will spend 68 hours on meal prep and feeding my household. How much time do you spend in the…

My Weekly Review & Bullet Journal Lists

My Weekly Review & Bullet Journal Lists

This process keeps me focused on what needs to get done. My weekly review helps me see the white space areas of my week. (Or of lack space.) I am able to make margin or say no to things that are crowding me in.   Q: How do I organize my week so that it…

4 Practical Meal Ideas For Your Day of Rest

4 Practical Meal Ideas For Your Day of Rest

All the household things do not come to a halt just because I have decided to rest. I still have to feed my family (or someone does anyway). And unfortunately, the house does not get magically cleaned by forest creatures. It seems counterintuitive to have to prepare for rest. But, Sabbath prep is NOT about…