restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study

Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study

I have found that it is very difficult to study the Bible and hear from My Creator without intentionally creating space for study and quiet. I have learned to slow down my body first and then I can slow my soul. But, I have made so many mistakes! I’ve steamrolled over so many situations, loved…

Easy Family Routines: The Monday Meeting

Easy Family Routines: The Monday Meeting

It’s a Monday morning.  We are all moving slow.  The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…

Morning Greeting

Morning Greeting

I am typically not a morning person (unless I am sitting in a camping chair). I require lots of coffee, quiet, and slow adjustment to the day. But even when I am half-awake I can see all the things that need to be done. ALL. THE. THINGS. Unfortunately, the listing part of my brain does…

Morning Routines for My Kids

Morning Routines for My Kids

Let’s set up the day for success! Whatever your day holds, let’s reclaim the mornings. We can start the day with time to ourselves, a house that is reset for the day, and with a peaceful atmosphere. I am not a morning person. But it is particularly important to me that we begin each day…

Productivity for Moms Series

Productivity for Moms Series

In 2016, I was spending my time in a reactive state. Constantly overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done. I felt like I never actually made progress on the things that mattered to me. I was wondering if this was really what my life was supposed to look like. I lived in an exhausted…

Morning Routines for Moms

Morning Routines for Moms

Spring and early Summer is a time that I focus on having a consistent morning routine. I have found much value in starting the day on my terms. I need some time to be alone, shower, get fully dressed, have some coffee in a dark kitchen and read. It does not go well if my…

Monday Meetings

Monday Meetings

It’s a Monday morning.  We are all moving slow.  The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…