restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

My Phone Has A Bedtime

My Phone Has A Bedtime

I’ve been nudged by my inner voice to have time away from my phone for years. But I’ve always brushed it off as being too extreme or too legalistic. Then I made the decision in the summer of 2020 to put my phone away each night. So, I took the leap and tried it.  It’s unbelievable…

I Am Enough

I Am Enough

Some days I make great meals, I homeschool my kids, and maybe even fold a load of laundry. Then I end the day curled up on the couch with a book trying to enjoy the moment. And that’s “all” that I did. And that is enough.  All of the tiny critics shouting at me telling…

How God Met Me in London – From Burnout to Transformation

How God Met Me in London – From Burnout to Transformation

In July of 2019, my oldest daughter and I had the opportunity to go to London with my favorite aunt and cousins. It was an amazing trip full of so many amazing sights, steeped in history and spending time with wonderful people.   But for me, it was transformative.   In 2019 I was experiencing burnout in…