restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

A Writing Tool for Keeping Momentum (w/ Reed Mingault)

A Writing Tool for Keeping Momentum (w/ Reed Mingault)

Chatting with my cousin about writing is always fun and informative. Here is a recent tool we discussed that you can apply in your writing. Reed has found the not-so-secret key to staying on task and keeping your creative momentum!! < angle brackets > Here is the scene: She sits at her computer working on…

Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

I am fortunate to have people in my life who inspire me. Reed Mingault is one of those. She is my cousin and writing buddy. We are both relatively new taking our writing seriously. This sparks great conversation whenever we get together. It is exciting to share the writing process with someone who thinks differently.…