restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

I Suck at Piano – Lessons in Humility

I was a very capable adult. I had three kids already. I had taught myself gardening, canning, knitting, and how to cook from scratch. How hard would it be to take piano lessons?

I was already homeschooling my oldest two. I would often get impatient when they were learning how to read or add simple numbers. Especially if it was something that they already knew and they just weren’t applying their learning.

Until I took piano lessons.

A dear friend and neighbor who lived across the street was teaching both of my older kids piano. They were learning simple songs and even chords and basic hymns. I was excited that my grandfather’s piano that sat in our living room was finally making beautiful music. On a whim, I asked her if I could take lessons as well.

We would have to time it so it matched with the baby’s nap and on my husband’s work from home days. But I was willing student and she was a very compassionate teacher. I was excited. This is something I had dreamed for since I was a little girl.

How things went…

At home, sometimes the notes would make sense and my hands would do what my head wanted. But most of the time I couldn’t get myself to sync up.

Even when the practicing would go well at home, the performance anxiety would kill me. I would sit in front of my friend and my hands would not listen. I suddenly could not play a single thing that I had learned. All of my diligent practice disappeared when I was being watched. She was so gracious with me, but sheesh I was frustrated.

After over a year of lessons, I eventually learned how to play some basic hymns and children songs that I enjoy. I call that a win. I still struggle with cords and having my hands to two different things. But I know that I can make beautiful-ish sounds come from those keys.

Someday I do hope to return to piano lessons. For now, I enjoy classical playlists on Spotify and I love listening to my kids practice. The sounds of songs played while I fold laundry or do dishes creates a homey atmosphere and our house feels full of life.

Being a beginner is so hard. It is a uniquely humbling experience. The learning curve of facing something new is complicated.  Applying my muscles or parts of my brain that have been unused can be painful and slow. And the older I get the more I struggle.

Do not be ashamed of where you are right now. If you want things to change, look at what you are not happy with, and make small steps to get to a different place.

I want you to know that this is a place where beginners are welcome. I decided to stop waiting for perfection and just move forward with what I have to offer. And I hope that you join me.

The world would be so much better if we could help each other more. I would love to hear what works for you in your home, in your routines, and what you have learned in the past 10 years. Your perspective and your experiences matter.

What area are you a beginner in right now?

What new challenges or skills are you taking on?

What does that process look like for you?

Humility is one of those traits that I have only been able to learn in uncomfortable or painful circumstances. I wish I could say that I read about it in a book and was able to apply it right away. But for me, piano lessons, becoming a writer, and so many other pursuits have led me through that process instead.

Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

I plan to be someone who is always learning. Even when I’m 90.🙂 I have great examples of this! See this article for more about my Grandparents and their ambitious hobbies = How I Inherited a Love for Hobbies & Insouciance.

One of my newest hobbies is maintaining my sourdough starter. I have been making all kinds of awesome sourdough goodies and baking several times a week. It is exciting and humbling all that the same time. Also, delicious!

I would love to know what you are up to.

  • What new learning curve are you tackling these days?
  • What do you find enjoyable and also complicated to learn?

Know that I am rooting for you! We can be newbies together. 😉

🎹Happy Learning! – April

Some Resources:

I wrote about being a beginner writer here:  Calling Myself A Writer

And I have tips for anyone new to homeschooling here: New to Homeschooling? – Start Here

If you want to learn more about hobbies: Why Hobbies Matter

or Sabbath Rest & slowing down: The Overachiever’s Practical Guide to Sabbath: Why, How, & When

Or starting a new routine: Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide

Photos by Josh Hild / Jordan Whitfield /  Amy Humphries and others on Unsplash