restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Summer Reading – Tips & Ideas

Summer Reading – Tips & Ideas

Encouraging a love of reading this summer. Welcome to the Summer Reading Series! With our extra time this summer comes an opportunity to add in more reading. I am excited to help you think about some small things that you can do that will make a big difference. Why is enjoying reading so important? Humans…

Rising Strong by Brené Brown

Rising Strong by Brené Brown

Brené Brown is relatable and full of wisdom. When I saw her Ted Talk on YouTube (titled: The Power of Vulnerability) I immediately ordered two of her books. In Rising Strong, Brené Brown shares her insights from her research on shame and overcoming adversity. This book has been pivotal for me to move forward in…

I Am Enough

I Am Enough

Some days I make great meals, I homeschool my kids, and maybe even fold a load of laundry. Then I end the day curled up on the couch with a book trying to enjoy the moment. And that’s “all” that I did. And that is enough.  All of the tiny critics shouting at me telling…