restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

My Seasonal Reflection Practice

My Seasonal Reflection Practice

As Summer moves into Fall a practice that I have found grounding for me is seasonal reflection. The longer reflection is avoided, the harder it is to do. The more backlog we get, the more we have to work through. So I like to take the time at the change of each season to pause,…

Practical Tips for a Hard Season

Practical Tips for a Hard Season

Life is hard. Sometimes it just sucks. I’m sorry to be blunt but it’s true. I have had some hard seasons lately that have rocked me and stopped me in my tracks. But, I have learned beautiful things in the midst of hard circumstances too. Today I want to be extra practical for those of…

The Climb

The Climb

This weekend I climbed a mountain. This was very significant for me for a lot of reasons, but first I want to mention that it has been a long time since I’ve been able to climb a mountain. When you become a parent your limitations and the things that you can do are often determined…

3 Lists Saving My Sanity Right Now

3 Lists Saving My Sanity Right Now

Life in the past few months has been exceptionally hard. This season that I am in right now is full of days where I wake up and just focus on the next few hours. In my house there are interrupted schedules, strong emotions, and lots of family. I am not ready to write about my…