restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Using Co-Working in our Homeschool Day

Using Co-Working in our Homeschool Day

It all started with an awkward zoom call. (They were not awkward, I was.) I am part of this amazing homeschool community created and lead by Leah Boden called The Collective. One of the events that happens in membership is The Brontë Room. This is a place where we all gather once a month for…

Homeschool High School Resources

Homeschool High School Resources

Homeschooling High School definitely has its challenges! I am happy to help you in this. First, I want to encourage you to keep stepping forward in faith and with conviction. You can do this! I am right there with you as my oldest graduates in May of this year. It is scary everything feels so…

Day in the Life – Homeschooling 4 Kids

Day in the Life – Homeschooling 4 Kids

Here is a glimpse into what my day looks like.  I sit at the schoolroom table with 4 kids (with 4 different grade levels), 2 dogs, 3 cats, and my cup of coffee.  It is a Wednesday and we are working on our schoolwork. Two kids are reading on the couch, a dog is playing with…

Homeschool Encouragement – 12 Helpful Tips

Homeschool Encouragement – 12 Helpful Tips

 Let’s pretend that you and I could sit down for a cup of coffee and chat. We all need some encouragement in the job of homeschooling. If we were in person I would listen to what is hard. You could share your struggles and mishaps. And if you asked me for advice I would say…