restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

My Top Homemaking & SAHM Tip: The Low-Energy List

My Top Homemaking & SAHM Tip: The Low-Energy List

Productivity tips to build resilience for your unique life. How do you deal with fatigue during your busy days at home? When are you most productive? Homemaking, being a stay at home parent, writing, homeschooling, working remote, or online contract work can easily become overwhelming. Any job working from home can have unique challenges especially…

Habits – Rhythms and Small Changes in My Day

Habits – Rhythms and Small Changes in My Day

Rhythms are patterns we follow as a way of doing something. I think of a rhythm as a soundtrack to the morning or afternoon. If I were in a movie, what music would be playing in the background? As I get into the habit of organizing my life with rhythms and routines, I’ve come across…

The Journey of Personal Growth

The Journey of Personal Growth

Starting something new can be complicated and layered. Often we need a foundation to hold us steady as we step forward into new terrain. I’m still on my way, still learning, and it feels like an ongoing adventure of discovery. The exciting part? I’m guessing there will always be something new for me to learn.…

Making Room for the Fall Season

Making Room for the Fall Season

The Arizona desert does not change drastically in the fall. It is a slow cooling down and not much visual change. Most of the local trees stay a dusty green color throughout the year. There are very few trees that actually show the change of the seasons in my neighborhood. This means that I need…

My Seasonal Reflection Practice

My Seasonal Reflection Practice

As Summer moves into Fall a practice that I have found grounding for me is seasonal reflection. The longer reflection is avoided, the harder it is to do. The more backlog we get, the more we have to work through. So I like to take the time at the change of each season to pause,…

Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study

Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study

I have found that it is very difficult to study the Bible and hear from My Creator without intentionally creating space for study and quiet. I have learned to slow down my body first and then I can slow my soul. But, I have made so many mistakes! I’ve steamrolled over so many situations, loved…

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…