restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets

How I am slowing down and doing small things to bring joy to my daily life.

We are all given 24 hours each day.

We each get to choose how that time is spent and where it goes.

When I say the title to myself aloud: Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets a little critic pops up in my head with some opinions. So I push back on those critical questions: Why do these tasks seem indulgent? Why do they seem pointless and dumb?

I often waste time on comparison or thinking about what other people think. Even though I try not to, I end up caring about the opinions of others.

I have been very inspired by this YouTube channel: TheCottageFairy. She lives in a rural cottage and lives a simple life. Her videos remind me of my much younger self. I love how she just enjoys simple pleasures and does not apologize for living differently.

In my desire to be constantly productive I can forget to just enjoy activities for the sake of doing them. You can read more about that here: The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

So here are a few things I am doing right now, in this busy season, to fight our culture of overachieving and constant productivity.

Homemade Lattes

I used to use my latte frothier often. Last winter season it was a fancy latte for breakfast along with my Christmas devotional book. But some time in summer it got put away in the back of the cabinet and forgotten about. I am already making the cup of coffee (or these days chai tea), it just is a few extra minutes of my time to make a latte with almond milk and cinnamon. I already have the ingredients on hand.

This represents me taking time for simple indulgences that cost nothing extra.

This is a small way of loving myself. It is making something special “just because”. And I deserve that too.


I can be found in the mornings with my notebook and a pen. I curl up on the couch (or sit at the kitchen table) for 15 minutes and scribble out my thoughts. This practice started in my teens and I have had an on-again-off-again relationship with it. This past year has had lots of journaling and it has been good for me.

Journaling helps me be more grounded in all other areas of my life.

I write about my relationships, tasks, my faith, my faults, and failures, my expectations of others…. For me, this is spending time in reflection and processing my thoughts. I am an external processor, so getting the words out of my head allows me to examine them.

“When we take the step of going deeper, we might begin telling and writing what we know, and then see we really write to find out what we know about our own life and experience. Below the surface of a daily record lies a way into what we have not yet understood… Such self-awareness is not self-indulgence; it is the beginning of wisdom.”

from: Journaling As A Spiritual Practice – by Helen Cepero

Enjoying Sunsets

Living in Arizona means we have amazing sunsets most days of the week. Where I live farther out from Phoenix (near the Superstition Mountains) we enjoy the colors of the sky every evening. I have created this time as a marker for my day. A time to take a walk and pause.

For me this looks like setting time aside to enjoy nature and be in awe (even just 10 minutes).

To stand still for a few minutes and stare at the sky helps me feel more like myself. I feel small (in a good way). I am reminded that I am loved by God. I notice details and see the beauty. Sometimes with sunsets, you have to wait for the colors to be at their peak. If you are not looking you might miss it. I often share the experience with my kids and we stand together on the back porch while we watch the sky.

Questions For Reflection

Why do these activities anchor me in the present so much that I feel like myself again after 10 minutes?

Why would I avoid these simple (and free) tasks?

Does self-care have to look complicated or cost anything?

I would encourage you to look at the 24 hours you have been given.

You get to choose how that time is spent.

How are you slowing down today?

What are a few small things that bring joy to your daily life?

🌞 Have a beautiful day! – April

Sunset photos by me the other photos by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

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