restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Merry Christmas!

In this busy season, it can be difficult to do all the things that we enjoy. All of the scheduled events, expectations from others, extra gatherings, gift buying (and wrapping)… it can all feel overwhelming. But, if we take the time to enjoy the traditions that we care about we can make memories and find joy. This is hard. It does not come naturally and it does require making intentional space.

So, this December I am taking a break from writing and publishing. I am choosing to slow down. I want to spend more time with my kids and enjoy the holidays with baked goods, knitting, and Christmas music.

Here are some posts for you all (from the archive) that I hope will be helpful in this season. 🎄☃️💙

Favorite Posts from the Blog:

Here are some articles for you as embrace this beautiful season of celebration and slowing down.

All is Calm & All is Bright – Making Christmas Enjoyable

Each year my intention is to slow down. To make space for the extra activities of the season. But also for the celebration of Christmas.  Some years my stress level is through the roof and my heart is just not in it.  On other Decembers, I am relaxed and able to enjoy the time. 

This year has been a peaceful season.  So to document this for myself (and any of you) I want to share a list of things that have helped me get my heart centered for this Christmas time.  Ways that I have reminded myself that this month can be different than the rest of the year. > > > read more…

Preparing My Heart For Christmas

As the mom, wife, and maker of home, I set the tone for the season. If I am rushed and grumpy that affects my household. If I look at the holidays as “something to just get through” that changes the environment.

So, how do we do things differently?

How can we approach this very busy season with a different mindset?

Here are my top 3 practical ideas to prepare your heart for the Christmas season… > > > read more…

Gaining Control When I’m Overwhelmed

We all have days when we feel off or directionless and the way that we regain focus matters. What we tell ourselves on those days shapes our inner dialog. What we do when we are frustrated becomes part of who we are. Our small decisions build patterns and a lifestyle. 

  • Do we gain control in a calm, thoughtful way?
  • Do we explode in anger, react to those around us like a selfish child, or seep sarcasm?
  • Or do we give up and end up on the couch wasting time? 

I know which ones I want to say are true about me and the others that unfortunately my family sees way too often.

To change behavior, we need new ideas and new tools to try.

💙 > > > read more…

Batching Household Tasks – My Favorite Homemaking Tip

For those of you who might be feeling overwhelmed by household tasks in the midst of Christmas activities. Here is my secret to keeping up with the cleaning.

I have found that batching is the key to getting lots of things done but not thinking about it all day. This article is simple and full of examples. I’m sure you will be able to apply this practical tool in whatever areas are frustrating for you. > > > read more…

Questions for the Your Journaling:

How do you celebrate Christmas and the winter holidays?

What do you enjoy doing in the quiet evenings at home?

Are there specific books that you enjoy reading this time of year?

Is your home a peaceful place to rest and restore your soul?

My Prayer for You:

Lord Jesus,

Help us embrace this season. Show us how to slow down and enjoy the changes in nature and in our homes. Help us to see the things that we waste time and energy on. Show us how to make an impact in the lives of those around us in simple ways. Help us to choose love, kindness, and generosity. Give us the courage to make some changes this December.

Let this season of celebration be a time of closeness with You God.


🎄☃️🎁Have a very Merry Christmas! – April

Photo by Al Elmes / Eugene Zhyvchik / Tracy Adams and others on Unsplash