restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

How to Be Kind to my Future Self

What can I do today that will help me tomorrow?

How can we be kind to the future version of ourselves who is tired and worn out?

How can we do the thinking right now so that we do not have to do that later?

The difficult part of tasks is often the thinking and planning. Most of us can “crank widgets” without much effort. When we know what to do, we can complete tasks at a high level of accuracy and competency.

"We just have to think a little bit, to define and list those specific actions, and then we can get back to the free, fun, and clear kind of energy we had with the more mindless jobs that kept us so healthy in our heads."  

"My life and work are back to the cranking widgets level. It’s great. For the most part, I really think about all my stuff once a week in the GTD Weekly Review®, to identify the right widgets to crank. I use that time to be intelligent enough to define the things to do when I’m not so smart. The rest of the time I get to be sort of dumb and happy, doing smart things."   

** See here to read more: David Allen's article [from Getting Things Done book & GTD podcast]

Think of a meal that you can cook without effort or thought. Something that you can do without looking at the recipe. A simple dish you have been making since college like spaghetti, or mac and cheese.

  • Can you think about other things while you are cooking?
  • Do you enjoy a podcast or listen to music?
  • Is the experience relaxing or restful as you mentally process your day?

Now think of a new recipe that you make maybe once a year. Something like homemade cranberry sauce, quiche, a curry soup, homemade bread, or a harvest stuffing.

  • Once you gather all the ingredients, do you re-read the recipe?
  • Can you carry on a conversation while you follow the detailed steps?
  • Do you remember the modification you made the last time you created this dish?
  • How many minutes does it need to bake? Where is the measuring cup?
  • The level of concentration needed for this task creates fatigue.

If you have all the ingredients you need, it is really not about the doing of the task.

The difficulty is in the decision-making.

The hard part is the thinking that is involved.

I used to chastise myself for not running at the optimum level all the time. Like I was a robot or a computerized human. But I have learned that efficiency is not about running at top performance all the time.

Plan and prepare now so that in the future you can just do the task. Set yourself up to “crank widgets”. Use your active brain that is in the workflow to benefit my future self who is not “in the zone” yet.

It is about doing the planning and thinking when I am running at those levels. When my brain is awake and running at full speed that is when I make good use of my time.

I plan ahead, I make decisions, and I look at what needs to be done.

Then, the next day when I am tired, grumpy, or not fully awake I can just mindlessly do the actions needed to move things forward.

No thinking is required. Just slow methodical action.

Until my brain fully wakes up and I adjust to the workflow mindset.

"What could happen in your life if the easy but pointless things became harder and the essential things became easier?"  

Let's ask, "Is there an easier way?"  

"It means learning to solve problems from a state of foucs, clarity, and calm."  

     -  quotes from: Effortless by Greg McKeown

Practical Steps to take:

Here are some ways that I help my future self.

  • Lists – I make lots of lists. In lots of areas. Usually in one place: My Bullet Journal.
  • Goal setting – I want to know what is important to me and how I plan to get there.
  • Habits & Routines – I am able to mindlessly do the things that get me ready for the next step.
  • Seasonal Planning – each season has its own unique challenges and tasks
  • Sabbath & Rest – my great ideas come when I can take a break from the daily pressure of getting things done. My best ideas and next steps arrive when I a relaxing on my porch with a cup of coffee and watching my kids play tag.
  • My Energy Levels – I pay attention to how much time I have and the capacity I have that day.
  • Adventure – Sometimes what I need is a new perspective. I often get that on our weekend RV trips with my family. Detours and mishaps develop perseverance.
  • The Big Picture – I am reminded that God loves me no matter what I get done or where I fail.

Smart and highly productive people may seem like they are high functioning all the time.

The secret is: They plan ahead for those times when they are tired, low on energy, and worn out.

Try a few of these ideas and see what changes in your life.

  • How can you add some detailed list making to your daily routine?
  • What time this week can you take a relaxing walk or sit quietly in the living room to think?
  • Do you believe that God loves you just as you are and not as you should be?
  • Where can you add in a bit of adventure to spark some creativity?
  • What season of the year are you in right now? What can you do to plan for that well?
  • How can you use goal setting to make progress on what matters to you right now?
photo credit: Mary Edwards

Do not believe the lies that you must always be at your best.

That is not humanly possible. Even for an overachiever like me.🙂

Efficiency is NOT about running at top performance all the time.

I’m cheering for you! – April

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